Smell the Roses at Malmaison

Smell the Roses at Malmaison

Some heritage is meant to be inhaled. Empress Joséphine’s roses at Malmaison are a prime example. Visually beautiful, yes, but their real power lies in their luscious perfume. Stick your nose in one of the enormous blossoms and you are instantly, and forcefully, transported. Certain blossoms were almost the end of [...]

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Write a love letter at the Musée de la Vie Romantique

Write a love letter at the Musée de la Vie Romantique

This is part of Museum User Guides, a series with ideas for how to “use” museums. The activities suggested here propose a fresh way to understand and experience a particular collection. Choose a day with moody weather–a cloudy day in October, for example–and make the trek up to Montmartre to the [ ... ]

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