Imaginibus is a blog about looking at life like art.


The Imaginibus blog is a place to be inspired to use your imagination around artworks—and to see the art of your daily life.

Marina launched the blog in 2014 to explore creative ways to engage with art in museums. Articles range from commentaries on artworks and exhibitions, to more creative approaches to visiting museums: like photographing statue hands in the Musée du Louvre or writing poetry in the Montreal Museum of Fine Arts. Imaginibus celebrates museums as places that, like art and friendship, have "no survival value; rather [they are some] of those things which give value to survival" (C.S. Lewis). 

When we engage creatively with art, museums can become playgrounds and laboratories to experiment with wonder, mindfulness, and imagination. The Imaginibus blog also explores what happens when we use this museum gaze to look at our daily lives like a work of art.


About the blog’s name

On a trip to Dublin, Marina visited the Trinity College Library. As she looked around the massive Long Room, a word in Latin inscribed on the wall jumped out at her: IMAGINIBUS. She immediately wrote it down, loving how it evoked two delightful images: imagination and buses.

While she has since learned that this is not an accurate translation of the Latin, the word IMAGINIBUS has come to represent imagination and creativity and curiosity and silliness and confusion and fun.