Make a Mummy Mask

Make a Mummy Mask

I was really into masks last year. After I learned how to make papier-mâché masks for Halloween, I started to see masks in every museum I visited. The obvious reaction? Copy them in papier-mâché! My first museum-inspired mask was based on the deliciously grotesque horror masks of French 19th century artist Jean-Joseph Carriès. The project really helped me take in [...]

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Make a Carriès Mask

Make a Carriès Mask

This is part of Make a Mask, a series where I make copies of masks in Parisian museums. This Halloween, I made my first papier-mâché mask. It was such an enjoyable process; a mix of sculpture, paper work and painting. Since then, every time I visit a museum, I am drawn magnetically to any and all masks on display. Naturally, the next step was [ ... ]

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Speed Crafting at La REcyclerie

Speed Crafting at La REcyclerie

I was recently introduced to what may be now my favorite competitive sport: speed crafting (think speed dating, but without the awkward small talk and judgement). The event was organized by L'Insolente for Paris bloggers to come together, sip cocktails, and race to complete as many of the four proposed crafts as possible in an hour and [ ... ]

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Making a Papier-mâché Mask

Making a Papier-mâché Mask

In the midst of getting ready for Halloween this year, I came across a website called Ultimate Paper Mache. All of a sudden, I was overcome with a burning desire to make a papier-mâché mask. Like, right now. When I get a creative itch, it can be very hard for me to not scratch it immediately. Once the idea of playing with papier-mâché [ ... ]

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